ars csr activities

Corporate social responsibility is a practice of philanthropic or charitable activity to a society by a private company.

Corporate social responsibility is a broad concept that can take many forms depending on the company and industry. As important as CSR is for the community, it is equally valuable for a company. CSR activities can help forge a stronger bond between employees and corporations, boost morale and help both employees and employers feel more connected with the world around them.

ARS Group was founded with the noble intention of putting a smile on every face and lighting up people’s lives. Its principles emphasize a policy that is committed to the protection and improvement of the environment.

Our CSR projects have helped improve the quality of life and access to education. Its ecological initiatives aim to reduce and prevent environmental pollution by continuously upgrading technology and adhering to the best environmental management practices.

CSR Peple Hands Together


The purpose of corporate social responsibility is to give back to the community, take part in philanthropic causes, and provide positive social value. Businesses are increasingly turning to CSR to make a difference and build a positive brand around their company.

Smiling Child


The ARS approach is a unique one that ensures steady sustenance and improvement of key elements, that contribute towards the holistic well being of the community. Care was taken to first identify the basic needs of the local populace, and accordingly a comprehensive CSR strategy was devised.

CSR Health


We provide prenatal and postnatal support programs for women. With our food for all program for children, we are trying to eradicate the malnutrition problem. We are also undergoing works for the construction of a primary health center with the provision of an emergency ambulance in the local panchayat.


Computers, study materials, and furniture were provided so that the children from impoverished areas could receive an education that is on par with the education delivered in schools across the state.

CSR Education


We also serve our communities by ensuring they benefit from our presence by proactively responding to their needs. Building and strengthening community and Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs), working in partnership with Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and government bodies to widen the reach, and leverage each partner’s individual experience and expertise, providing all assistance during times of disasters, and encouraging our employees to volunteer.

Our Movement


ARS is committed to protecting and improving the environment by continuously upgrading our technology, adhering to the nation’s best environmental management practices. Actively participating in environmental conservation to the best of its capabilities, ARS’ Power Plant boasts 7,000 trees, spread around it, and is also the only plant to support a rainwater harvesting system. With these resourceful initiatives and many more to come, ARS hopes to motivate people towards making meaningful contributions to society.