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    Join the Corrosion Resistance movement. ARS 550D CRS is here!

    It is here. A TMT Bar that retains its ductility while being corrosion and earthquake resistant. All thanks to the micro alloys, Copper, Chromium, Nickel and Molybdenum, added to the steel at optimal quantities.

    • ARS 550D CRS can increase the life of any structure. It is much more imperative under certain specific conditions.
    • 550D CRS is Highly recommended if the salt content in the ground water is >300 ppm.
    • Seaside structures – Reduces the diffusion of chloride ions in TMT Bars on TMT bars.
    • Super structures of all type of the buildings since it reduces corrosion related problems.
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    Specifications that ensure truly strong structures!

    • Highest Corrosion Resistance CRE -0.5% Min
    • High Earthquake Resistance – Ductility 16 to 18%
    • High Strength/Grade 560 N/mm2 to 600 N/mm2
    • Highest Bonding with concrete – innovative angular lugs
    • Increases the life/durability of building by 3 times
    • Higher fire resistance – FRE – 0.18
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    True benefits of ARS 550D CRS

    • Higher Corrosion Resistant Equivalent (CRE), average 0.5 % (20% higher than the IS 1786- 2008).
    • Highest resistance to FIRE as the micro alloys increase the Fire resistance equivalent.
    • Reduced rate of corrosion of steel during and after the construction increases the life of the structure.
    • Increases the life of the structure by 3 times (with optimal construction practices).

    Specifications that ensure truly strong structures!

    Physical Properties

    PropertiesUnitIS 1786 - Fe 550DARS 550DARS 550D CRS
    Yield StrengthN/mm^2550 Min.550 Min.560 Min.
    Tensile StrengthN/mm^2600 Min.600 Min.620 Min.
    TS/YSRatio1.08 Min.1.1 Min.1.08 Min.
    Elongation%14.5 Min.16 Min.16 Min.
    PropertiesUnitIS:1786 Fe-550DARS 550DCRS 550D
    C%0.25 Max.0.25 Max.0.25 Max.
    S%0.04 Max.0.04 Max.0.04 Max.
    P%0.04 Max.0.04 Max.0.04 Max.
    S+P%0.075 Max.0.075 Max.0.075 Max.
    CE%0.42 Max.0.42 Max.-
    CRE (Cr+Cu+P+Mo+Ni)%--0.45 Min.


    Live Steel Price (Retail) For CRS 550D - Rs. 72,000/MT (Inclusive of all Taxes & Transportation charges)

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