How are TMT Bars changing the View of Construction?

by ARS Steel
Dec 19, 2022
TMT bars for construction

It is widely known that healthy infrastructure is the backbone of economic progress. Similarly, high- grade steel bars form the spine of any construction venture today — and ARS Steel’s TMT bars are among the products that are presently revolutionizing the infrastructure landscape.

TMT steel bars have become a household name in construction projects, having earned the trust of builders since the late twentieth century. Also called Thermo-Mechanically Treated bars, TMT steel bars are reinforcement bars that possess a tough outer core and a soft inner core. The TMT steel bars are forged through a metallurgical process that integrates steel hardening and heat- treatment into a single process.

ARS Steel has been a proud manufacturer of TMT steel bars for over 30 years now. ARS Steel’s evolving product line has featured a stellar line-up of first-class products that have been supportinginfrastructure projects across Chennai and Tamil Nadu. ARS Steel has, in fact, emerged as one of the best TMT Bars manufacturers and suppliers in South India.

Reliable and Resilient

Why ARS Steel? ARS Steel’s TMT steel bars are today deployed in construction projects to provide a resilient foundation that can withstand the test of time. With high tensile strength, ductility and thermal stability, the TMT bars offer strong resistance in the event of catastrophes and accidents. The TMT steel bars also fortify structures through their non-corrosive properties that make them durable and long lasting. That’s not all. Owing to their lightweight build, the TMT steel bars are easy to transport over long distances. ARS Steel’s TMT bars are synonymous with quality and convenience.

Limited Use of Undesirable Chemicals

ARS Steel’s TMT bars contain limited amounts of chemicals that reduce the quality of the steel. TMT steel bars that contain high quantities of sulphur make them prone to fire. Similarly, TMT bars with increased concentration of phosphorus are easily fatigued with frequent wear and tear. ARS Steel’s TMT bars, however, make use of such chemicals in conservative quantities and ensure that the steel bars remain immune to fires and fatigue.

Value for Money

ARS Steel guarantees confirmed savings of ₹4000 per ton of steel to the end user. This cost-efficient pricing has been verified by the CSIR-Structural Engineering Research Centre, a leading central government research institute. Additionally, ARS Steel’s TMT bars feature a concrete-steel powerbond, which is an exclusive cost-effective design. The use of vertical and horizontal lugs in the TMT bars ensures maximum savings with minimum wastage, leading to an overall decrease in weight and spending. ARS Steel’s TMT bars marry quality with client-friendly prices.

As the global demand for TMT steel bars rises, ARS Steel is raring to pave the way for constructions projects across Tamil Nadu and India. Whether power plants, dams, malls, airports or stadiums, ARS Steel is ready meet every challenge and utilize each opportunity. Needless to say, ARS Steel’s TMT steel bars are here to stay.